Homeschooling Resources

Links to websites and books that I have found useful for homeschooling.  I'll be adding more links soon, so stay tuned. :)

A time-management resource written especially for large homeschooling families.  It was written by a woman who successfully homeschooled eight children, despite struggling from time to time with severe postpartum depression.  Read my review here.  Click on the book to be taken to the authors' site.

Great ad-free website for teaching the alphabet, letter sounds, and basic phonics.  Also includes a few math activities:

Excellent site for learning math facts.  Start with a placement test, then do speed drills that match your ability level:

Online math and language arts course.  We love it.  Read a review of the math portion here.
Stanford EPGY Math Online

We sometimes print speed drills for math facts from this site:
Dad's Worksheets

Instructional videos, especially for math and science, but also in other topics.  You can also do practice exercises:
*caution*--I would recommend previewing these yourself before allowing young children to watch them, due to occasional inappropriate language and images in a couple of the videos (from a Reformed Christian standpoint at least). 

Interesting history podcast.  Preview before sharing with young children.
History According to Bob