Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm so excited!

I just discovered that I can listen to All Things Considered online! This is great. I always miss the program when it airs on NPR at 5 or 6, because I'm busy fixing dinner and reconnecting with my boys after my daycare girls leave. Now I have something to listen to after the boys are in bed, and I can simultaneously do housework or crochet. I can be more productive this way than I am when I read the news online (I doubt I could crochet and read at the same time...)


  1. Hi Sharon!

    I really meant to email you (though I am not sure I actually have your current address!), but I am going to have to leave a comment instead. I just wanted to say 'thank you' for the crib!! I think it'll be just perfect.

    Better run - I am getting SO tired and it's only 8:24!!

    Love ya!



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