Wednesday, September 1, 2010

August Psalm Sing

On Saturday we had another psalm sing.  After lunch, we reviewed the two tunes we learned at our last psalm sing; so we sang Psalm 6 to Soldau, and Psalm 113 to St. Etheldreda.   Then we sang Psalm 1 to Tallis.  I won't post the ones we reviewed, as they sound pretty much like the recordings from last time; but here is Psalm 1 to Tallis.

You can hear little Carl singing along in this recording.  He's not even two years old yet (right?), but he knows Psalm 1 and can carry a tune. :)  I'm hoping that we can do Psalm 1 again some time when more children are here; it's so nice to hear children singing the Psalms.

Once again, if you'd like to download any of our psalm recordings to your own computer, they are available here:


  1. absolutely beautiful! Love hearing little Carl sing! Aaron doesn't know any psalms (maybe the very beginning of Psalm 121) yet...looks like I need to start working on him!

  2. Carl is 2 actually. :)

  3. Is this recording done differently from the others? When I was listening to them in the car (yes, I finally managed to get them downloaded and put onto CD!!!), when we got to this Psalm, the tone totally changed; it sounded mellower I think, and wondered if it was recorded differently?

  4. Well, Naomi, we used the same recorder but placed it differently, closer to the singers and up higher. I think it really helped the recording quality. Only problem is, the recorder is easily overwhelmed by high volumes (it was designed to record speech, not singing) so we wouldn't be able to do that with larger groups of singers.

    I am hoping that we can eventually upgrade our recording equipment to improve recording quality. But recording equipment is so expensive! Maybe I should start taking donations! LOL

    Anyway, I'm glad you figured out how to download them, Nome. :) Maybe you can join us for a psalm sing when you come visit for the December communion (hint, hint).


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